New Branding
Posted by Aurelia Beye onWe have begun making our way through this new year and decade! For us, this has been a time of many new beginnings and growth! As many of you may know, Aurelia Apothecary began out of a love for essential oils and the need to nurture, and create a more...
Mint Inspiration
Posted by Aurelia Beye onAs a mother of two teenage daughters I have learned the importance of having allies. For me this has come in the form of family, friends, dogs, and plants. Like family or friends, there are those specific plants that can be called upon for a particular need, and then there...
New Beginings
Posted by Aurelia Beye onWith the sweet aroma of flowers blooming in the air and fresh new growth appearing at the soles of our feet, it seems the most appropriate time to welcome you to Aurelia Apothecary. So welcome dear friends! I am excited that you are with us on the beginning of this...